To sign up a customer to the MedAdvisor app search for their name in ‘Sign-Up Customers’ in PlusOne. Double click on the customer's name and a sign-up window will appear. ‘App’ will already be pre-selected as the Channel Preference and ‘Instant Sign-up’ will be pre-selected under Setup. Enter the customer's mobile and email, your staff initials and select ‘OK’.
Successfully Sign Up Customers
Learning Objectives
By completing this course, you will be able to:
- Perform a customer sign up in PlusOne using the ‘Instant Sign-Up’ method
- Complete a Carer Mode sign up in PlusOne
- Generate an activation code for a customer
- Recognise how to sign up a customer to Landline reminders and Script Tracker
- Identify features available in the MedAdvisor app
- Develop the confidence to promote the features and benefits of MedAdvisor to all customers
Available Lessons
To complete the course, enter each module from the left hand menu.
After you have completed the course, you can access and print a certificate of completion.
Important: When you have completed each course, click on the MedAdvisor logo

in the top left hand corner to return to the main course page.
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After having PlusOne installed, we started promoting the app by asking every customer to sign up, and was often surprised by who agreed! My advice to other pharmacies would be to never assume that the customer won’t take the offer to sign up.
Frequently Asked Questions
If a customer already has MedAdvisor, but has decided to start using carer mode, you will be unable to generate an activation code for them.
Instead, you will need to email to request we setup carer mode. Please obtain the appropriate consents and provide the patient's names, MedAdvisor IDs (found under the details tab of 'Patient Setup'), and who will be caring, and cared for.
The message DOES NOT include the medication name and if the patient has multiple medications finishing on the same day or close together, they will only receive one message to contact their pharmacy.